Are you psychic? Everyone is born with some degree of psychic ability and we all have intuition, but that doesn’t mean that we all are real psychics. But what if you know things about people that you haven’t met before, or if you can sense what other people are thinking? If you can’t rationalize these feelings, then you might ask yourself: Am I psychic?
“Am I Pysic” Quizzes & Tests are available as a guide to see if you have true psychic abilities beyond a ”gut feeling” or intuition. We have gathered a few questions that will answer the following question once and for all: Are you psychic or not?
What does it mean to be ”psychic”?
If you want to know if you are psychic, it’s important to know how a psychic actually works. This will give you a clearer understanding to what it means to be a psychic. A real psychic uses his/her extrasensory perception (ESP) to receive information that:
- is not previously known by the psychic
- cannot be identified with our normal five senses
- that is inexplicable by natural laws
To know for sure if your are psychic, you must be absolutely true to yourself and make sure that you don’t fool yourself. A real psychic does not:
- do unconscious ”cold readings”
- suddenly remember things that he/she has consciously forgotten about (Cryptomnesia)
You also need to understand that we all have some degree of psychic intuition. We all get that ”gut feeling” about people and places on occasions, and we all have that ”inner feeling” about certain situations. However, some people have developed their intuition or ”sixth sense” more that others.
So how do I know if I am psychic?!
Well, let’s see… Are you psychic if you frequently get a feeling of ”Déjà vu” – that you feel as if you have experienced a current situation in the past? What if you are able to tell who’s calling before picking up the phone? Does that mean that you are a psychic? Or, if you get a ”gut feeling” about people that you meet? Are these signs that you are psychic? No, not necessarily. You see, we are all born with a little bit of psychic ability. However, if you experience ”Déjà vu ” frequently, then that may be a sign that you are psychic. Also, if your ”gut feeling” is very accurate, then that may give you an indication of your abilities. The signs below will give you a quick hint if you are psychic or not.
Could I be Psychic? – Check the Signs
Here are some signs to help you understand if you are psychic.
I frequently experience ”Déjà vu”
I often know who’s calling on the phone before picking up
My gut feeling is always accurate
I have vivid dreams that often come true
I have experienced telepathic messages
I have been able to heal a person who was suffering or ill
I often hear sounds that others don’t hear
I can hold a person’s hand and tell about their past and future
I am able to tell the future – my predictions come true most of the times
Well, if you could relate to most of the statements above, then you may very well have psychic abilities. To know for sure, let’s do the psychic tests below and find out!
Am I Psychic – Quiz
The psychic quiz below will reveal if you have more psychic potential than you’ve realized!
Instructions: Write down how many times you answer “YES” for each question.

Are you Psychic?
1. Do you have a strong first impression of places or buildings?
2. Can you tell when a person is lying?
3. Do you feel drawn to the paranormal?
4. Have you ever thought of a person that have called you shortly afterwards?
5. Are you aware of other people’s feelings?
6. Do you communicate with animals through your thoughts?
7. Have you ever heard someone talking to you when you were alone?
8. Can you sometimes feel like there is a spirit helping you out in certain situations?
9. When meeting with a person for the first time, have you ever felt that you have met them before?
10. Are you able to direct your dreams?
11. Do you sometimes get tired or feel drained when you are around certain people?
12. Do you pay attention to synchronicities in your life?
13. Have you ever had an out of body experience?
14. Can you see auras around people?
15. Is it easy for you to see images as you close your eyes?
16. Do you often have strange problems with your electrical equipment in your home?
17. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
18. Have you had a dream or a vision that came true in real life?
19. Do you sometimes feel like you sense movement out of the corner of your eyes?
20. Are you often out in nature to relax and recharge?
SEE YOUR RESULT – Are You Psychic?
YES<10: If you have answered “YES” less than 10 times, then you are not currently accessing your psychic powers. You are probably not aware of your psychic abilities and just need some practice and guidance to connect with your psychic powers.
YES >10. Congratulations! If you have answered “YES” more than 10 times, then you have already come a long way developing you psychic skills. You could strive to become a professional psychic if you practice letting go of your ego and connect with the divine guidance on a regular basis.
If I am psychic … what psychic abilities do i have?
But, am I clairvoyant, or am I psychic medium? What’s the difference? What psychic ability do I have?
Next step is to identify your psychic abilities, and learn about your strength and weaknesses. As you may know, psychics can use different senses to get information from the spirit world. Below is a list of the most common psychic abilities that will give you a clue of what kind of psychic powers you actually have. You will learn to know about your extra-sensory abilities and the areas you need to work on to fully develop your skills and become a real psychic.
Am I a Psychic Claircognizant? – Quiz
Do you just know things without any supporting knowledge or input? This psychic ability of “clear knowing”, is the primary intuitive modality people use to retrieve knowledge psychically. If you simply know things to be true without any logic or reasoning or previous knowledge – you have most likely developed a psychic ability known as ”claircognizance”. Let’s do the test and find out!
Instructions: Write down how many times you answer “YES”.

Claircognizance – Clear Knowing
1. Do you often get sudden ideas that you simply must share?
2. Do you say things without understanding why you said it?
3. Are you in a flow (inspired) when you write or speak about certain things?
4. Can you tell if a person is trustworthy and genuine – without previous knowledge?
5. Do you trust your inner “knowing” when you make a decision?
6. Do you often know who’s on the phone before picking up?
7. Have you had a thought about an event that came true?
8. Do you communicate with animals through your thoughts?
9. Do you learn best through written work or books?
10. Are you analytically in nature and likes figuring things out logically?
Are you psychic with claircognizant ability? See your result!
YES<5: If you have answered “YES” less than 5 times, then this is an area that you need to work on. You would benefit very much from trusting your “I just knew it!” intuition more often. Next time you get an idea, act on it! Be more assertive, strong willed, and confident. This will boost your “clear-knowing” ability!
YES>5: Congratulations! If you have answered “YES” more than 5 times, then you are psychic claircognizant and have the intuitive ability of clear-knowing.
Am I Psychic Clairsentient? – Quiz
Can you feel the emotional and physical states of other people? Most people have some degree of clairsentience ability – also known as “clear feeling” or “clear sensing”. However, psychics that are true clairsentients are able to retrieve information about a person’s past, present, and future. They can also get information about places, buildings etc. without using their other five senses. Do the test below to find out if you are psychic clairsentient!
Instructions: Write down how many times you answer “YES”.

Clairsentience – Clear Feeling / Sensing
1. Are you sensitive to the energy around you?
2. Do you sometimes feel the presence of something that isn’t really there?
3. Can you suddenly feel anxious when you are standing next to a person?
4. Do you sometime get goosebumps when you say or hear things?
5. Have you ever felt uncomfortable in certain rooms or building?
6. Do you make decisions because they “feel” right?
7. When you meet a person for the first time, do you ever get a strong positive or negative feeling?
8. Do your hands get warm or tingle or itch when you meditate?
9. Have you ever felt cold spots as you’ve entered a room?
10. Do you often get a tingling sensation on your crown chakra (the top of your head)?
Are you psychic with a clairsentient ability? See your result!
YES<5: If you have answered “YES” less than 5 times, you are probably not very sensitive to your surroundings, but this is a thing that you can work on by becoming more present. Meditation and mindfulness are wonderful techniques to develop this skill.
YES>5: Congratulations! If you have answered “YES” more than 5 times, then you miht be clairsentient, and have a heightened form of empathy or “clear feeling”. If you are very sensitive and unable to separate your own emotions and feelings that are coming from other people – then it’s very important that you meditate and learn how to “shield” yourself from negative energy.
Am I Psychic Clairaudient? – Quiz
Can you hear the spirits? Do you have the psychic ability to perceive sounds and words that come from the spirit world? A psychic that is clairaudient hear voices, sounds, and music that are not audible to the normal ear. The test below will answer if you are psychic clairaudient!
Instructions: Write down how many times you answer “YES”.

Clairaudience – Clear Hearing
1. Do you hear whispers or voices when you are all alone?
2. Are you sensitive to noise and need some quiet time?
3. Do you often talk to yourself in your head and receive guidance – maybe without realizing it?
4. Do you “hear” music in your head?
5. Can you hear that someone’s talking to you in your dreams – just before waking up?
6. Do you hear strange noises (children playing, laughter etc.) when nobody is around?
7. When asking for a sign from the spirits, do you get them through music or speech?
8. Do you learn best through “hearing”?
9. Do you get ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears?
10. Are you a composer or musician?
Are you psychic with clairaudient ability? See your result!
YES<5: If you have answered “YES” less than 5 times, then try to let go of your ego or “mind chatter” and start listening to your wise inner guidance. You can tell by the way you feel what voices that you are listening to. When you are feeling upset, frustrated, or angry – then all you can hear is the voices of your ego. The spirit world vibrates on a much higher frequency – same frequency as the feeling of unconditional love. So always make sure that you are in a good state of mind if you want to receive guidance from the spirit world. Be patient with yourself. Learn to be more present and allow this psychic ability to appear for you.
YES <5: Congratulations! If you have answered “YES” more than 5 times, then there is a possibility that you are psychic clairaudient and can “hear” your inner voice of wisdom “speaksíng” to you.
Am I Psychic Clairvoyant? – Quiz
Do you see spirits? Have you seen a ghost? Or do you get unexplained pictures in your head? Psychics that are able to see things are known as ”clairvoyants”. A clairvoyant can see a spirit as real as a living person. A clairvoyant is also able to ”see” with their third eye – the area between their eyes – which means that they see things in their mind. For example, they can get pictures in their head of a person, or “see” symbols, letters, colors etc. Do the test to see if you are psychic clairvoyant!
Instructions: Write down how many times you answer “YES”.

Clairvoyant – Clear Seeing
1. Is it easy for you to see images when you close your eyes?
2. Have you ever lost something (keys, wallet, papers etc.) and then saw a picture of the place where you left the item?
3. Do you see colors around people? Can you see their “aura”?
4. Do you sometimes see an image of a friend in your mind’s eye that calls or writes to you later that day?
5. When you are driving your car, do you get a picture in your head of the car in front – if it is going to turn right or left etc. – and later does the exact thing that you “saw” in your mind?
6. Do you often have vivid dreams that come true?
7. Can you see movements from the corner of your eye even if nothing is really there?
8. Do you often see objects, faces, symbols, names, colors etc. in your mind?
9. Have you ever seen a spirit?
10. Have you had a vision that came true?
Are you psychic with clairvoyant ability? See your result!
YES<5: If you have answered “YES” less than 5 times, then it can be helpful to practice this psychic ability by formulating specific questions and then see what image that comes to mind. For example, you could ask: “Who is going to call or text me next?” and “see” who’s face that pops up. Don’t forget to put your focus on your “third eye” when asking the question.
YES>5: Congratulations! If you have answered “YES” more than 5 times, then you are psychic clairvoyant. If you have trouble interpreting the images that you receive, then ask yourself what your psychic picture is trying to tell you. Be open to receive the answer as a thought, feeling, smell, or sound.
Am I Psychic Medium? – Test
If you are able to communicate with the spirit world, then you are a psychic medium. A psychic who can make contact and communicate with those who have passed away, may use one or all of the psychic abilities described above to retrieve information from “the other side”. This means that a psychic medium may be able to see (clairvoyance) and/or hear (clearaudience) the spirits. A psychic medium can also get a feeling (clairsentience) from the spirits that will give them information about their physical age, personality, gender, physical health etc. For example, if the spirit had stomach cancer before passing over, the psychic medium may get a pain in the stomach (information from the spirit). A psychic medium may also get information in the form of thoughts (claircognizance) from the spirits.
Note: Mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. A real psychic without mediumistic powers is able to look into the past, present and future, but is not able to contact the spirit world to communicate with those who have passed away. If you pass this test then you are a psychic medium!
Instructions: Write down how many times you answer “YES”.

Am I Psychic Medium?
1. Have you ever heard voices of deceased people, or voices that can’t be explained?
2. Do you get clear images of faces in your mind’s eye?
Do you get goose bumps or feel cold spots in certain areas of a room, or feel that the hairs on your back are standing up like an electrical storm?
3. Do you pick up on tastes or smells of perfumes, flowers, cigarettes, alcohol etc. that can’t be explained?
4. Can you feel the presence of a spirit and get a sense about their age and gender?
5. Do you get specific information from the spirits in your mind? For example, do you get clear directives in your mind such as “YES”, “NO”, “Don’t go there”, “STOP”?
6. Have you experienced physical sensation from a spirit? For example, have you ever felt a sudden chest pain, stomach ache, or head ache etc. – that came and went quickly and that can’t be explained by any doctors.
7. Have you ever been tapped or touched on your shoulder by a spirit?
8. Do you often see things move out of the corner of your eyes?
9. Do you often see spirits or ghosts?
Are you psychic medium? See your result!
YES<5: If you have answered “YES” less than 5 times, then you are not yet a psychic medium but keep up your good work. A tip to become a psychic medium is to develop your “sixth sense” by trusting your intuition more often and be more present in your daily life.
YES>5: Congratulations! If you have answered “YES” more than 5 times, then you could probably become a psychic medium professionally – provided that you release your ego and keep working on fine-tuning your five senses.
….What happens next?
So, what are your strongest psychic abilities? Do you have more than one psychic ability? The tests above should be enough to give you answers about your psychic abilities, and what area/s you need to work on to develop your skills.
If you want to become a real psychic, you need to work on your gift – just as you would do if you wanted to become a professional athlete. The most important thing is to keep working on fine-tuning your five senses.
Also, don’t hesitate to call a psychic if you have any questions regarding your new found psychic abilities!