Are psychics accurate at predicting the future? Yes, they can be… Not a very satisfying answer, but to give you a real answer, you need to understand how psychics work.

How Accurate are Psychics?
If you are like most people, you are curious and want to know what’s going to happen to you next, but at the same time you wonder if it’s even possible to predict the future. You may have been to a psychic many times before, but you can’t get rid of this nagging question from the back of your head: “Are Psychics Accurate?“ and if so, “How accurate are psychics?“
Skepticism is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a very good sign to be skeptical because questioning is the key to wisdom! If you have searched ”Are Psychics Accurate?” on Google, it means that you are open-minded and want to learn more.
“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth.” – Peter Abelard
If you want to know if psychics are accurate or not, you need to understand how they work. A basic knowledge about the psychic arts will ensure that your readings stay productive and positive. Let’s us now, once and for all, find out the answer to: Are Psychic Accurate? Here’s all you need to know about and the nature of psychic accuracy.
How Accurate Psychics Work
Most accurate psychics begin a reading by relaxing their body and mind. They tune in to the spiritual realm and to the client’s energy. They are then able too see patterns that are based on the client’s current and past life situations. Based on this ”knowledge”, psychics can then predict future events.
This means that a psychic is able to see the end of the path that you are on. However, you are always free to choose a different route at any time. Your future isn’t written in stone. Choosing a different route will, of course, affect the accuracy of the psychic reading. This means that if you make radical life changes, then the answer to your question – Are Psychics Accurate? – will most likely be NO.
Accurate psychics can show you exactly where you are headed, and if you don’t like the outcome of a psychic reading, you can change it! You are free to choose a new path at any time!
Accurate Psychics don’t want your INPUT
The first sign of a fake or scam reading is when a so called ”psychic” asks a lot of questions. The reason why accurate psychics don’t ask many questions, is because they don’t want to mess up the information they receive with your wishes and hopes. They need to be an open vessel to the spiritual realm to channel divine guidance. They need to be like a blank page. The ”writing” or information should come from the spirits and not from you – and only then are psychics accurate.
Your ROLE is important in getting Accurate Predictions
In order to answer if psychics are accurate it’s very important to understand that you and the psychic are co-creating during a psychic reading. So, what role do you have in getting accurate predictions?
- A person cannot focus on the question and the answer at the same time. So, your role during a psychic reading is to focus on the question, and the psychic’s role is to receive the answer. It’s therefore very important that you clear your mind and concentrate on your question so that you have a strong focal point. Now that you are concentrated on the question, the psychic can do its part – to be an open vessel and receive the question.
- Accurate psychics need to relax and raise their vibration to open up the communication to the spirit world. If you’ll do the same and help raising the vibration, you’ll thereby create an open high-vibrational atmosphere where the spirits can come forward with their information. Only under these conditions are psychics accurate. This means that you play an important part in getting accurate predictions.
Psychic Accuracy – Human Factors, Ego
Psychics are humans, just like you and me. They have good and bad days, and are sometimes more open to receive information from the spiritual realm than other times.
Accurate psychics work on limited information. The messages they receive are filtered and interpreted through their frame of reference. A psychic may not fully understand and/or may not be able to properly communicate the information they get. The client may not be able to ”hear” what the psychic want to communicate for different reasons. This doesn’t mean that the psychic is wrong, rather that the information may be limited and difficult to understand.
Psychics don’t have the complete picture of your past and present, and can never fully understand the messages they receive. Sometimes, information is hidden from the psychic for higher purpose. These are common situations when you will find yourself confused and ask yourself: Are psychics accurate? And the answer is: they are not always accurate. However, if they have developed their craft and are able to let go of their ego, then they can be very accurate indeed.
Psychics don’t have the complete picture of your past and present, but that’s OK because they don’t need any background information in order to give you the message that the spirits want you to hear. An accurate psychic always communicate the information exactly as it has been received, even if it doesn’t make any sense to them. Most accurate psychics understand that the ego is like a wall blocking the spirits from coming through, so they have learned to let go of the ego. When they have this understanding and never color the information they receive with the medium’s personal experience, only then are psychics accurate!
How accurate are psychics by PHONE?
Are psychic readings by phone as accurate as a face to face reading? Yes! Accurate psychics don’t need to see you, and they don’t need to be in the same room as you, to tune in to your energy field.
A phone reading means that the psychic is less likely to be influenced by your appearance, clothes, eyes, facial expression etc.. The psychic is more able to purely receive the information from the spirit world without any distractions.
How accurate are psychics at predicting WHEN things will happen?
Are psychics accurate when it comes to time and dates? The answer is: most psychics are not. There are some psychics who are amazing at predicting when things will occur. They can even predict exact dates and sometimes even times of day. However, most psychics don’t have that ability. But why is it hard to get an accurate prediction to when things will happen?
It has to do with the fact that there is no real separation between past, present, and future. This has been acknowledged by Albert Einstein along with other scientists in the field of Relativity. In the spirit world, there is no such thing as time and there are only few people with that special skill. Due to the nature of time, it is better to therefore use timing as a guide and not as set in stone.
The other reason why timing is difficult to predict with accuracy is because we have the power to change timing. When we feel good, we are connected to the Universal force that creates worlds, which means that we are in a state of allowing our dreams to manifest, according to the law of attraction. However when we feel bad, we are not connected to this Universal force and can not receive the things we want. This means that if a psychic has predicted that something good is going to happen within a certain time, you can actually make it happen faster if you are in a receptive mode – that is when you are positive and feel good. A good psychic will guide you towards your creative power so that you can speed up desired manifestations!
How accurate are psychics when it comes to LOVE?
Are psychics accurate when it comes to love and relationships? It depends on how specific your question is. Many psychics are accurate in predicting the character, appearance, age etc. of the person that you are going to meet. However, if you wonder about a specific person then the answer is not that clear. If your desire is very strong and you want to attract a specific lover, then it’s very important that the psychic isn’t picking up on your wishes but receive pure information from the spirits, and this is sometimes tricky especially if the psychic isn’t properly trained. It also depends on you. For example, the psychic may see a person that is just right for you, but if you are not open to receive then you may not see this person and miss the opportunity. So, this has less to do with psychic accuracy, and is more about the choices we make in our lives. Psychics are often very accurate in predicting your opportunities and the rest is up to you.
How accurate are psychics on AVERAGE?
If a psychic claims to be 100% accurate, or claims to have a reputation for giving psychic reading with absolute accuracy, beware. A psychic who claims perfect accuracy is not a legitimate psychic, but rather a con artist who want to make money on vulnerable people. A legitimate psychic reading is never 100% accurate. But, why?
Because a psychic prediction is based on your current life situation, and on your energy pattern at the moment of your reading. You can radically transform your life at any moment, and no psychic can account for your own free will. They can’t foresee every single choice you might make that could change your life path. Your free will is unpredictable!
So, how accurate are psychics on an average? There are very few psychics who are 99% accurate in their predictions. The range in accuracy for the majority of real psychic readings are between 75% and 90 %.
As mentioned above, there are certain factors that affect psychic accuracy. Your power to influence your own future is a big factor. Psychic accuracy can also have to do with the information the spirits want you to have, their ability to translate and communicate the information that is given from the spirit world, the client’s willingness and readiness to actually hear what the psychic is communicating, the psychics willingness to communicate the information exactly as it has been given, and the psychic’s ability to let go of the ego during a reading etc.
However, even if a psychic can’t predict the changes that you might make in the future, you can still get valuable information about your life today, and also a sense on where you are headed. Furthermore, even if psychic readings aren’t 100% accurate, they can give you perspective and clarity, and help you see your options. Psychics can also empower you to make the decisions you need in order to manifest your dreams.