Are there any right or wrong questions to ask a psychic, or can you ask whatever you want?
Of course you can ask whatever you want, but the important thing is to get the answers you really need! Just like a journalist, you need to know beforehand what to ask a psychic in order to make sure that the questions will actually lead you to the clarity and relief that you are looking for.
Questions to ask a psychic to get the answers you really need

What are the best questions to ask a psychic?
The things to ask a psychic can be about any area of your life: love, relationships, work, money, success, health, well-being etc. However, the most important thing is to avoid leading questions. You don’t want the psychic to pick up on your wishes and tell you what you want to hear. This will only delay you from getting what you really want – clarity. Instead, you want your psychic questions to give you the answers you really need. Your psychic should be able to guide you to the shortest path towards success in the life area that you have problems with. So, in order for you to get real psychic answers – and not wishful answers – the questions for a psychic should be open-ended in nature.
Serious psychics who do real psychic readings, don’t want any information about the client in advance that can influence them in any way. Real psychics want to be like a “clean page” and fill in the information from the spirits (and not from you). Allow some of your questions to be open-ended, and not “yes” and “no” type of questions. This will help you to retrieve additional information from your psychic. Ask about the life area or topic that you are interested in, and don’t get too specific in the beginning of the psychic reading.
Here are some “open-ended” example questions to ask a psychic:
- I would like to know about my future in general.
- Can you see any major changes in my life? In what area?
- What can you tell me about my love life?
- Do you see anything about my health?
- What can you tell me about my career?
What to ask a psychic if you have limited time?
Good questions to ask a psychic are not leading in any way. So, make sure that they are open-ended, at least in the beginning of the psychic reading session. However, if you notice that your psychic spends too much time fishing for information, or if you have limited time, then you are better off posing direct questions to save time and get the answers that you are looking for. These type of close-ended questions are best at the remaining part of the fortune telling session, or if you have only a few minutes to spend.
Here are some “close-ended” example questions to ask a psychic – if you have limited time:
- Can you describe…
- Can you tell me more about…
- Could you be more specific…
- Can you give me an example…
So, the best questions to ask a psychic would be:
- Open-ended questions in the very beginning of the psychic reading
- Close-ended questions – “yes” or “no” questions – at the remaining part of the psychic reading
What to ask a psychic online?
What to ask a psychic depends on the time you want to spend on your psychic reading. This is especially true if you want to ask a psychic online over the internet, since time is money! If you haven’t got much time to spend, then be as specific as you can be. Make sure to prepare some “close-ended” questions to get “yes” and “no” answers if you have limited time. The best thing is therefore to write down your questions on a piece of paper in advance. List the most important question first, and the least important at the bottom.
Don’t expect specific answers such as names or when things will happen, so don’t waste your time asking for those things. Psychics pick up energies and “see” trends on how your life is likely to turn out, if you keep living your life the same way as before. However, remember that nothing is written in stone, and if you want your life to change, you need to change your thinking (and thereby energy) in order to attract new circumstances. Questions on what you can do in order to change your life in the areas that you have trouble within, can therefore be valuable for you.
Finally, during the psychic reading session, take notes, or better yet record the conversation so that you can listen to the answers when you are more relaxed.
Below are example questions to ask a psychic regarding different life areas: love, work, and health.
Questions to Ask a Psychic about LOVE

What to ask a psychic?
Are there any helpful questions to ask a psychic about love? Yes! If you wonder what to ask a psychic in order to change your life, here’s the answer: Ask questions about what you can do to change your life, since you are the only one who can do this. “Like attracts like” according to the Law of Attraction. So, if you notice any patterns in your relationships that you are not happy with, then you have some work to do with yourself.
Here are some helpful questions to ask a psychic about love:
- What do I need to do before I start looking for a new relationship?
- How can I prepare myself for a new and healthy relationship?
- To avoid old patterns, what behavioral patterns do I need to work on with myself.
- What kind of criteria should I focus upon when I search for a new partner?
- What kind of person is compatible with me?
- Which one of these men/women would be most compatible with me in the long run?
- How can I improve my relationship with this person?
- What affirmations can I use to attract my soul mate?
Questions to Ask a Psychic about WORK
Work is for many an important part of their life. You will want to know the right questions to ask a psychic so that you can find happiness at work or maybe even improve your career.
Below are examples of useful questions to ask a psychic regarding work and career:
- Why am I so tense at work? What can I do to release this tension?
- I can’t handle the stress at work, why?
- How can I find joy in the work that I do?
- How can I succeed in my present job?
- What kind of jobs are suitable for me?
- What job is perfect for me?
- What affirmations would be great for me to allow more money / new job?
Questions to Ask a Psychic about HEALTH

Health questions for a psychic?
What are the most important questions to ask a psychic regarding our health? The answer is: questions about self-love and unconditional love. You see, when we love ourselves unconditionally, we allow the healing energy to flow through our bodies. So, if you wonder what to ask a psychic in order to relieve any physical and/or emotional discomfort or pain, your questions will have to do with what you can do to love yourself more.
Begin by asking general questions about your health, and then move on to ask about what kind of thoughts that are hindering you from moving towards optimal health. Then ask what kind of thoughts that will allow the healing energy to flow freely again.
The following examples are key questions to ask a psychic during a reading if you want to improve your health:
- Why am I always so tense?
- What are the best ways for me personally to relax? I have tried meditation but find it difficult…
- Why does my stomach hurt? What thought-patterns are causing this pain?
- What thoughts are hindering me from receiving healing and optimal health?
- What do you recommend me to do in order to heal my body and mind?
- What are the best affirmations for me to improve my health?
Summary on “What to Ask a Psychic”
There are no right or wrong questions to ask a psychic. Be as specific as possible, without posing any leading questions. What to ask a psychic depends on the time and money you can spend, so if you have limited time and want to ask a psychic online, then it can be a good idea to have some close-ended questions, to get “yes” or “no” answers. Make sure to write down your questions beforehand and put the most important questions at the top of your list, and the ones that are the least important at the bottom. Your preparations of what to ask a psychic will be well worth your while.
Finally, before contacting a psychic, make sure to calm yourself and raise your vibration to attract a psychic that is on the same high level/frequency. Also, take notes and/or record the guidance that you will be given on your psychic reading. Good luck on your spiritual journey!